Floating in the depths of outer space was a floating station that housed two bio-engineers. Together they spent their days researching and expiramenting on alien flora and fauna, trying to find a way to create thriving environments on otherwise desolite planets. After years of failure, they came to a planet of mossy forests full of plants and bear-like animals. They took the smaples back to their space ship and after hours of expiramenting, they created a perfect specimen.

It was a small plant-like being, resembling a mandrake with nubby little legs. They called them Teddy Child and set up some equiptment on a desolite and crumbling planet. Every day they would bark orders at Teddy, expecting them to follow their directions precisely to the 'T', and they would scream and scold them when the results weren't perfect. But Teddy wasn't perfect, they had flaws and defects just like anybody else.

Eventually, the engineers got tired of constantly getting 'failed results' and abandoned the plant, leaving Teddy and some of the equiptment behind. This made

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